At the beginning of the new year, it's a great moment to pause and think about what good things you could add to your own life. Is it more time for yourself or nurturing social relationships, more vigorous movement during the day or more often relaxing and calming down? Or perhaps you would like to start cooking yourself or take advantage of the versatile selections of lunch restaurants more often. Please come and visit us if you need help in diversifying your diet, finding an enthusiasm for exercise, or a moment to calm down and stop everything for a little while. Hope to see you soon, you are warmly welcome!
1. Choose nutrient-dense foods
- Add colorful vegetables, fruits and berries (500–800 g/day), whole grain products (90 g dry weight), fish (300–450 g/week) and legumes (50–100 g/day) to your diet.
2. Eat enough and calmly
- Eat enough for your consumption. Your feeling of satiety increases when you eat at a leisurely pace and are constantly aware of what you are eating. Find a suitable meal rhythm and stick to it.
3. Diversify your diet
- Try new vegetables and fruits. Prepare delicious, easy and inexpensive vegetarian dishes such as lentil soups and chickpea stews. Nuts and seeds 2 tbsp/day (without sugar or salt coating).
4. Reduce the consumption of red meat and processed meat products to 350 grams per week.
- Note. Meat products made from poultry should also be used as little as possible.
5. Drink more water
- In addition to the liquid obtained from food, it is good to drink 1–1.5 l/day. Increase the amount when moving and in warm weather. Less sugary and acidic drinks. Water is the best thirst quencher!